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There isn’t much the company could do anyway: For red shirt days, attendees buy tickets like anyone else. Go take off some of those clothes!”ĭisney has never endorsed Gay Days, a version of which takes place in the fall at Disneyland in California. “You look like an uptight soccer dad, and it’s not a good vibe.

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I stood among the revelers wearing a black Polo shirt and khaki shorts, which led to an impromptu intervention from a stranger, Jose Rodriguez, 27. Later, a squadron of go-go boys ceded the stage to the drag queen Trinity the Tuck. A few ticket holders turned up in wrestling singlets, while others had outfitted themselves in bondage-scene chest harnesses. But the party was not a Disney-orchestrated event, not by a long shot. “Be part of the magic!”Īn actual rainbow arched over the park’s thunder-shower-soaked parking lot as the sun set, prompting several attendees to joke that Disney had outdone itself with Pride theming this year. “For one night, Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park becomes entirely yours for the party of the year,” online ads had promised. Each had spent $100 or more on tickets for a private, adults-only Pride bacchanal called Riptide.

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Last Friday evening, about 6,000 people - almost all of them gay men - poured into a Walt Disney World water park near Orlando, Fla.

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